Different ways to apply CanAmaze Volcanic Rock Powder to Soil

CanAmaze is easy to apply.  It never burns and stays in the soil until the microbes use it.  So there is no need to worry about adding too much.  Here are some extra guidelines depending on what’s easiest for you.


Sprinkle CanAmaze along the row around each plant.  CanAmaze is good for all plants including vegetables, fruits, surbs, trees, grass and flowers–big or small.


Sprinkle at least 1 pound per 25 feet of garden row.  It’s good to rake CanAmaze into the soil and water it in, so that it doesn’t blow away; being a powder.


For bushes, it’s also good to sprinkle around the drip line of the leaves and water into the ground.


You may also add at least 1 tsp of CanAmaze for every liter of water to water your plants.  CanAmaze is not water soluble but it suspends well, so just give your jug a stir before watering each time.


CanAmaze Volcanic Rock Powder is also very good for compost help speed up the compost process.  Add about 8 ounces for each 3.8 cubic feet.

Gardening Tips Using Rock Dust As A Fertilizer

You might have heard the term, “Rock Dust Revolution”. How rock dust powder has revolutionized the gardening industry? Why do you need to use it? We’ve prepared some reliable gardening tips that will help you understand this innovation.

Rock powder has been used to build flourishing gardens and crops since the 19th Century. For years, it has helped strengthen soil to survive harsh winters.  With rock powder, you can have a thriving garden full of flowers or vegetables. It improves the soil remineralization process, enhances the minerals being fed to the soil and plants, helping ensure the flowers bloom with bright and bold colors. You can keep your garden looking beautiful and healthy with the perfect organic natural fertilizer.

If you’re more into vegetables gardens, rest assured that the flavor and minerals within your carrots or lettuce heads will be boosted. Cut back on any need for harmful chemicals and decrease your impact on the environment. Rock powder can be mixed with organic compost to speed up the creation of food for microorganisms. This organic matter will hold the soil in place and decrease the amount of erosion. With all that water retention occurring, you’ll be able to conserve the amount of water used to help your garden grow.

The healthy development of your plants and the preservation of rich flavors in vegetables is an important part of being a gardener. Watch the growth rate of your garden increase and know that it’s all happening organically with no harm to the environment. With rock dust, you can also enhance the fight against pests. With stronger plants comes stronger resistance. So, you don’t have to worry about your garden wilting away any time soon.

If you’re trying to cut down or stop using chemical fertilizers, adding CanAmaze natural plant food is the ideal replacement.

These gardening tips will help you increase mineral content in vegetables and ultimately have the perfect garden you deserve!

Hutterite Colony Increases vegetable yields by up to 400%

Hutterite colonies (communal farms that embrace religion and advanced agricultural technology) have been growing most of the food that they eat for several hundred years.  Gardens, which can be upwards of 20 acres in size, grow enough vegetables to supply the needs of the colony, which can be over 100 people.  Additionally, vegetables are sold to the public, either purchased at the colony or at farmer’s markets.  Gardening expertise acquired over centuries has been handed down to the “Garden Boss”.

The Garden Boss at Alix Colony is Sam Hofer.  Sam, like his brother Henry (the Field Boss) is dedicated to maximizing production using best management practices.  Sam applied CanAmaze VRP at the rate of 1000 lbs/acre to most of the garden for the 2015 crop.

The only exception was a potato patch (the south patch) a short distance away from the main garden.   The same variety was planted in the main garden and in the south patch at the same time – with the same fertility and management practices.  The only difference was that the potato patch in the main garden had received the application of CanAmaze VRP.


In early August Sam instructed his assistants to pull three potato plants randomly from each of the potato patches and count the number of potatoes belonging to each plant.  The potatoes in the south patch averaged six potatoes per plant whereas the potatoes in the main garden (with CanAmaze VRP) averaged twelve potatoes per plant (free of scabs).   Exact yields will be determined when both patches are harvested in September.

Broccoli has been harvested with results as follows:  plants were much larger than normal, with heads up to one foot (4.7 cm) in diameter.  Yield of the broccoli and cauliflower were 400% of normal.



Cucumbers have been harvested with results as follows:  plants were much larger than normal.  Yield of the cucumber crop was 240% of normal.

Yellow beans and green beans have been harvested with results as follows:  Yield of the beans crop was 200 % of normal.

Pea yield is reported as comparable to normal.

Radishes were planted late in the season and were ready to eat in 21 days. Yield of radishes was 200% of normal.


Onions much larger than normal weighing up to 1 lb. (454 gms) with yields being 200% of normal.

Alix Colony along with a number of other growers have commented on the large increase of earthworms in the soil.

According to Sam Hofer CanAmaze VRP can increase yields up to 400%, producing healthy plants while increasing water holding capacity of the soil and earthworm population.

Significant yield increases, healthy plants, increased earthworm population and increased water holding of the soil are common observations by growers using CanAmaze VRP in 2015.